Butte County, California Boards & Commissions

Application Form

* Denotes a required field


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If you don't know which District you live in, click here to lookup your address: https://gisportal.buttecounty.net/portal/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=0e7d184a5d6e454fa16f3e566cc...



Please select a Board

These board-specific questions have been added to your application:

Additional Attachments

Upload any additional/applicable documentation you think would helpful for the Board of Supervisors in making this appointment decision.

  • Accepted file types: RTF, DOC, DOCX, PDF, TXT, JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG

accepted formats: doc, docx, rtf, txt, and pdf

accepted formats: doc, docx, rtf, txt, and pdf

accepted formats: doc, docx, rtf, txt, and pdf


Please provide three references. List the Name, Title/Occupation, Phone Number, and Email.


Please be aware that this application is a public document and is subject to the California Public Records Act (CA Gov. Code Sections 6250-6270). Once you are ready to submit your application, click "submit". Your completed application will automatically be sent to the Board/Committee/Commission you applied to, the Board of Supervisors, and the Butte County Clerk of the Board for further review and consideration. Thank you!

Please fill out all required fields and correct any errors before submitting.

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